1 April 2019

The Skin Books Trilogy - Alice Broadway

The covers alone are reason enough to buy these books. Look how beautiful and shiny they are! Of course that's not the only reason... read ahead to find out more.


Book 1 - Ink
In Leora's world, you tell the story of your life on your skin. All major life events are inked and more than that, some people are readers and can tell even more from a person's tattoos than is on the surface. There are no secrets as nothing can be hidden when it is on your skin. Now Leora has discovered something and has to find a way to keep it hidden so she can protect the memory of her father. In doing so she realises a lot more about her people and is no longer so sure that everything she has been told all her life is really the truth.
There are various stories from the history of Saintstone and I particularly loved their version of the Sleeping Princess.
After that bombshell of an ending you will definitely want to have a copy of Spark on hand!

Book 2 - Spark
Leora has some huge decisions to make. Does she trust in the stories she's heard all her life, in the truth of Moriah, or does she believe the strange stories that the blanks tell her? They are so similar and yet twisted almost beyond belief.
What is home now, Sainststone or Featherstone? Is it possible that such opposites can both be right and also wrong at the same time? In the second book of the trilogy, Leora has to figure out who she should be loyal to, while constantly worrying about the consequences of any action she takes. No matter what she chooses, she could hurt people she loves.
I didn't find the sequel quite as gripping as the first book but I was still very much looking forward to book 3.

Book 3 - Scar
Being part of both sides is so hard for Leora, she doesn't truly belong in either one as there are those who think her a traitor or spy in both towns. She's tired of being held up as an example, both for good or bad. But she also has allies on both sides and with her knowledge growing she needs to find the strength deep inside her to try and unite the towns.
I love the way the stories are told, and particularly the comparison of stories from the different sides - the same but opposite.
I really enjoyed the final book of the trilogy almost as much as the first. However I was left feeling just a little bit incomplete. I can't say why, I'm not sure what else I wanted and it might have just been the speed at which I read the book. The ending is pretty satisfying. Now hoping for more books from this author!

I was lucky enough to meet Alice Broadway and get my first book signed with this lovely customised quote. I love when authors write something relevant to the book! Fingers crossed for more events so I can get the others signed too.

I found the Ink Martini  while reading book 1, but with amazing foreshadowing on my part, the colour actually matches book 3! 
This is a simple but strong cocktail. Pour 2 shots of vodka, 1/2 shot of blue curacao and 1&1/2 shots of cranberry juice into a shaker with ice. Shake and strain into a martini glass.


  1. I was very taken by your review of this cycle. As far as I was able to see from the photo (I also looked on the Internet), the books are decorated on the back side too, could you take a picture of the backs of the books🙏🥺

    1. I really want to get a tattoo with one of the pictures☺️

  2. I'm so glad you enjoyed the review :) I'm not sure how to add another photo here but the backs look pretty much the same as the fronts.

    1. can you then send me a photo to the mail? elenalioncourt175@gmail.com

    2. In general, I am very glad that you answered me) It's so nice that you are watching the comments)

    3. Of course, I love seeing comments! I'll see what I can do about the photos :)
