12 July 2024

Pirate Academy series by Justin Somper

Today I have a very exciting post as part of the blog tour for Missing at Sea, which is book 2 of the Pirate Academy series. Not only do you get to hear about a great series of books, but I have a competition where three lucky people can win a set of both books! I really enjoyed reading about Jasmine, Jacoby, Neo and the other students at Pirate Academy and I am already looking forward to more in the series. Details about the competition at the end of the post, but first a bit more about the books.

New Kid on Deck

Welcome to Pirate Academy – once you step through the door you won’t ever want to leave!

The year is 2507. The oceans have risen. A new dawn of piracy has begun. Jacoby Blunt and Jasmine Peacock are students at the elite Pirate Academy. This is no ordinary school! Lessons range from Knots Class and Sailing to Combat Workshop. The teachers are all pirate legends. The pressure is always on. Friendship is everything.

When a new kid, the mysterious Neo Splice, arrives, everything changes FAST. Suddenly the dangers are no longer simply out on the oceans but right here, amongst them. In the face of real peril, the students of Barracuda class must put everything they have learned to the test against a ruthless and seemingly unstoppable new enemy.

Missing at Sea

The whole of Pirate Academy is abuzz with anticipation for the upcoming Oceans Bound weekend. It’s the first time the young pirate apprentices of Barracuda Class will set sail as five independent crews – with no teacher oversight! Excitement reaches fever-pitch as Commodore Kuo and Captain Salt reveal which of the fifteen Barracudas will act as captains for Oceans Bound. Jacoby is devastated when he isn’t picked, which makes things difficult for Jasmine when she is chosen. But worse, much worse, is in store, when Jasmine is told that her Uncle Noah – a ringleader of the League of True Pirates – has, against all odds, broken out of the Pirate Federation’s maximum security prison. Fearing that he will try to make contact with Jasmine, the Head and Deputy give Jasmine the chance to opt out of Oceans Bound. But Jasmine is not about to let her renegade uncle ruin everything.

The five Barracuda crews set sail with hope and adventure in their hearts, beginning a complex trail of tasks, each delivered to its crew via a note in a coloured glass bottle. For one crew, the tasks quickly become much more dangerous. As they bravely navigate poisonous snakes, venomous spiders, sharks and skulls, it becomes clear that someone else is now in control of Oceans Bound. It’s going to take everything they’ve got for our plucky young pirates to complete the course and triumph against their fiendish enemy.

Author bio

Justin Somper is the award-winning author of eight novels for young people, all with a focus on high-octane fantasy adventure, driven by strong, complex characters. Justin’s Vampirates sequence comprises, to date, six main novels and has been published in 35 countries and 25 languages.   


To win a copy of both books, either follow me on the app formerly known as Twitter and RT this tweet or follow and like this post on Instagram simple as that! Do both for 2 chances to win. Competition ends midnight 26th July, UK only.

28 June 2024

Lost In Time by Dawn Treacher

Today I have an extract from a book which I hope will pique your interest, it certainly has got me wanting to read on. Lost in Time was released earlier this month so is available for you right now! But first, a bit about the book.

Book Summary

A modern time-hopping middle-grade adventure with a classic feel.

For Connie’s Gran time is shrinking due to dementia, and it’s as if Gramps has a secret he will never tell; but Connie finds living with them pretty ordinary. That is until time itself begins to vanish in front of her eyes!

Thank goodness for her friend Nevis, a quirky clock shop owner and his one-eyed ginger cat called Captain. With their help, Connie discovers an alarming link between an infestation of white mice and time’s disappearance. Connie’s curiosity thrusts her into a perilous adventure that could unravel the secrets of her past in a world far different from her own. Together with new friends she makes along the way, Connie must brave many dangers in search of a way home before her own time runs out.

Lost in Time is an intrepid tale of friendship, family and embracing what truly matters.


“Come in, come in, you’re just in time.” beckoned Nevis. A small radio stood on the shop counter. Nevis’s white hair hung across his eyes. He put a finger to his lips. “Sshh! Listen.”

“… Clocks all over the city are malfunctioning. Experts say they are systematically losing time. Strange visual phenomena has been reported, causing outbreaks of panic. The Prime Minister is expected to announce a state of national emergency. Please be advised that trains are no longer running to schedule. Long delays are predicted as crowds gather in the underground station. Unless your journey is essential you are advised to stay indoors…”

“Have you seen the mice today?” interrupted Connie. “They’re running down the street, and one stole half an hour from my bedroom clock.”

“Captain has been chasing them around the shop all morning. He would have caught one too if I hadn’t chased it out of the door,” said Nevis. He turned the volume dial. “Sshh… they’re talking about the mice.”

“… A sudden infestation of mice has been reported. Sightings are coming in from all across the city. The rat catchers are patrolling the streets. People are advised not to panic. Under no circumstances should you touch the mice; they are vermin and carry disease…”

“Where are they all coming from?” Connie set the shoe box down on the shop counter and took off her coat. She nudged Captain away and turned off the radio.

“It is indeed a mystery,” said Nevis, peering inside the box. “How is our mouse today?”

“Agitated. I’m sure he can sense all the activity. It was as if he wanted to be with the others,” said Connie. “How can a mouse steal time, surely a clock just helps us keep track of time?”

“Oh, that’s a very simplistic view,” said Nevis. “So much is not as it first appears. A clock is time in motion, and in that energy the very essence of time is exposed and vulnerable. Just because you can’t see something doesn’t mean it’s not there.”

“But that sounds… well, so unlikely.” Why was Nevis talking in riddles?

“The fantastical may sound unlikely, but it doesn’t make it untrue,” said Nevis.

Well if mice really could steal time, that still didn’t explain why they were. “But why would the mice steal our time?”

“Why indeed,” said Nevis. “Now that is the question you should be asking, as there is now absolutely no doubt that they are.”

There was a flash of ginger followed by a loud thud.

“Captain!” cried Connie, as the shoe box hit the floor. The lid flew off releasing the captive mouse, who darted out across the green and white tiles. Captain streaked after it. With a leap he pounced, claws extended, with his shadow creeping over the mouse beneath him. Just as Connie was sure the mouse would be caught, the shop door was flung open, letting a blast of wet air curl inside. The mouse dived towards the open doorway and disappeared into the street, flicking its tail triumphantly.

A stout lady, rain dripping from her umbrella, clung to the door, one leg lifted ungainly in the air. She let out a high-pitched scream as Captain whipped past her, out of the shop. Still screaming, the lady tightened her grip on the swaying door, making the shop bell clang repeatedly.

“Captain, come back.” Connie pushed past the lady, knocking off her hat, and raced out of the shop, trying to keep up with Captain who was a whisker’s length behind the mouse that ran down Digwell Street, darting left and right, trying to shake off its pursuer.

Nevis followed. “Excuse me, madam.”

“Really!” cried the lady.

“So sorry. Please, would you mind shutting the door behind you,” Nevis called back as he ran, the coins in his pockets jangling as he tried to catch up.

A screeching of brakes and a skidding of rubber on wet pavement brought Captain to an abrupt halt. The bicycle slid to a stop. Captain yowled as he watched the mouse speed away from him, splashing through the water-filled gutter.

The boy struggled to keep his bicycle upright, and as he did the very air seemed to shudder, then everything froze. Then with a sudden jolt, which made Connie quite dizzy, she could move again. A second later the pile of parcels balanced in the boy’s basket toppled out, landing in a muddy puddle. “Watch out!” he called.

“Sorry.” Connie grabbed hold of Captain but he wriggled free from her grasp. Letting out a meow, he shot off again down the street.

Author Bio

Dawn Treacher is a children’s book author and illustrator living in North Yorkshire.

Dawn writes fantasy adventure novels for children aged 8-12 years. Though they may contain fantastical worlds and creatures they are stories about children who face adversity and peril and in doing so discover their own strength, bravery and ingenuity.

They are stories about the strength of friendship and the importance of family.

14 June 2024

Spotlight on...
Secrets of the Deep by Marisa Noelle

Book Summary



Determined to face her fear, Cordelia enters the ocean for the first time since her twin brother was killed and learns she is from the oldest bloodline of mermaids. Entrusted with a magical relic, it us up to her alone to break an ancient curse and free the mermaids from the water.

But the selachii - mysterious shark shapeshifters - also have their eyes on the relic. As tensions increase between the mermaids and selachii, Cordelia doesn’t know who to trust. Forced to choose between love and race, she doubts every decision and the intentions of those around her.

Trusting her head will lead to a path of betrayal, but she might just get her family back. If she chooses her heart, the mermaids may stay cursed to remain in the ocean forever.

About the Author

Marisa Noelle is the writer of middle grade & young adult novels in the genres of science-fiction, fantasy, horror & mental health including The Shadow Keepers, The Unadjusteds Trilogy (The Unadjusteds, The Rise of the Altereds, & The Reckoning), The Mermaid Chronicles – Secrets of the Deep, & The Unravelling of Luna Forester. She is a mentor for the Write Mentor program that helps aspiring MG & YA authors. With dual citizenship, Marisa has lived on both sides of the Atlantic and uses settings in both the USA and UK as inspiration for her novels. When she’s not writing or reading or watching movies, she enjoys swimming. In the pool she likes to imagine she could be a mermaid and become part of some of her make-believe worlds. Despite being an avid bookworm from the time she could hold a book, being an author came as a bit of a surprise to her as she was a bit of a science geek at school. She lives in Woking, UK with her husband and three children. You can find her on Twitter, TikTok @MarisaNoelle12, or her website.

10 June 2024

How Soon Is Now? by Paul Carnahan

Today I have a special spotlight as part of the Publication Day Party for How Soon is Now? by Paul Carnahan! The book is out today 🤩 (10th June 2024), so read on to to find out more or add the book on Goodreads.

Book Summary

Troubled ex-journalist Luke Seymour discovers an untapped talent for time travel after being recruited to rescue the stricken leader of The Nostalgia Club, an eccentric band of time travellers who meet in the back room of an Edinburgh pub. As he hones his skills and learns the stories of the Club’s members, Luke delves deeper and deeper into his own past - where the terrible mistake which scarred his life is waiting…

Author Bio

Paul Carnahan is a former national newspaper journalist-turned-writer who lives and works in Central Scotland. ‘How Soon Is Now?’ is his first novel - a second, ‘End of a Century’ will follow later this year. Find him online here or on Twitter.


30 May 2024

I Love Spring Book Tag

First of all, thanks to Ashlee on Books Are 42 (what a great blog name!) for the tag, check out her answers here. I really wanted to make sure I got this one out while it was still spring and I'm done with just one day to spare 😁 It was created by Helene Jeppesen and as spring is almost over I won't tag anyone but feel free to have a go if you want!

How is spring where you live?

Here you can get all four seasons in Spring, sometimes even in one day! Gorgeous sunshine, miserable rain, fog, rainbows, we even had snow some years.

Most anticipated book release this spring?

I got my pre-order of Mina and the Cult by Amy McCaw which I am really looking forward to reading. Doesn't it look gorgeous along with the rest of the series???

Show us a book cover that makes you think of spring

Alyssa and the Spell Garden by Alexandra Sheppard. I haven't read this one yet but it's so pretty, definitely a nice flowery spring cover.

Where are you going to read this spring?

Depends on the weather but if it's sunny then I like to read on my balcony with a nice cocktail 💖

Find a cover with the sun on it

This was a tough one, I seem to have countless books with the moon but the sun was pretty rare. After scouring my shelves I eventually found Secrets of the Sun King by Emma Carroll. I read it ages ago but I remember it was soooo good!

What are your favourite spring reads?

I don't have anything particular I like to read in Spring, I just read a mixture of books all year round, I'm not really one for particular seasonal books.

Find a book with many different colours on it.

Black Hole Cinema Club by Christopher Edge. I thought of this one immediately when I saw this prompt.