19 April 2021

 Mix & Match 9

The Mirrors Shattered - A.J. Hartley

The finale to the Beyond the Mirror trilogy was the best one of all. It is quite a chunky book but there is so much happening that it goes really quickly. Searching for Mr Peregrine, the three kids finally find out many truths about what has really been going on. As in the other books, many of the characters are not necessarily on the side they appear to be, either good or bad. I think That Which Eats was my favourite character. It was so powerful and terrifying, but seemed so wise and ancient somehow too.

I kind of like that the book faced up to the consequences of kids running off and having adventures. Sometimes the adults are going to find out and it will affect them, most books just seem to conceal or gloss over these repercussions. Despite the fantasy of the book it's realistic in many ways and the things the kids go through feel true to life.

Half a King - Joe Abercrombie

Yarvi is almost left in despair when he's suddenly thrust into being king, but then his trusted family turns against him. Despite first impressions, he finds a new family, though they all have secrets which gradually come to light.

Lots of really interesting and well developed characters. There are some very exciting twists near the end. This is the first book in a trilogy and though there is a clear indication of where it's going next and I do want to find out what will happen next, I don't feel like I've been left on a huge cliffhanger.

The Girl in Wooden Armour - Conrad Mason

Hattie is a sensible girl, she doesn't believe in Santa and doesn't even make wishes on her birthday candles. Hattie and her family go to visit her granny but she's gone missing. While trying to find her, she discovers a whole world of magic. There is another world through the cracks of this one, with monsters you couldn't even imagine. And Hattie could actually be a part of it.

There is a very creepy start to the book and all the descriptions of the monsters are really terrifying. It definitely wasn't a good idea reading this one at night! The other world is super eerie and sinister, and the way the King and Queen can change their appearance means you never know who they could be. Some new mysteries are revealed at the end so it seems like this could be a series.

Madame Burova - Ruth Hogan

Madame Burova is a particularly gifted clairvoyant, though she has unfortunately has never been able to use her gift for herself. And with all the secrets she's been keeping for other people, there are parts of her own life that she has never known the answer to. Billie suddenly gets a bombshell dropped into her life and ends up going to Madame Burova for help.

This is one of those books that you fall into and then just want to keep reading all the way through. Somehow Ruth Hogan has a way of making me love all her characters almost immediately. I love how kind and non-judgemental Imelda Burova is, and how much she cares about everyone around her. Billie is so sweet, wanting to find out about her own past but so careful not to hurt others in the process. There is plenty of mystery to keep you guessing, the book is never boring and keeps moving forward. And as always, there are lots of humorous bits to make you smile.

Girls Made of Snow and Glass - Melissa Bashardoust

Lynet and Mina are two wonderfully compelling characters that I was interested in right from the start. They are very different and yet so similar at the same time. Their growing and changing relationship was a big focus in the book which I really enjoyed. How do they really feel about each other and how true are the feelings from either side? 

Only one of them can be queen, and when the King unwittingly pits them against each other, can they trust in the other's intentions? Both need to learn to trust their own instincts rather than just believing what they have been told about themselves throughout their lives.

The book alternates between the characters and different time periods but the changeover was clear and not confusing at all. I also found the amazing magic to be fascinating. Creating things out of glass, snow and sand, even creating life.

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