11 February 2020

Retelling Challenge

As you probably know if you've been following me a while, I love getting involved in reading challenges. It's fun matching books to different prompts or themes, discussing your reading with others doing the challenge and best of all it's an incentive to increase my reading.

One of the challenges I'm really excited about this year is the 2020 Retellings Reading Challenge run by Cornerfolds. Any retellings count towards your goal but to make it even more fun there's a bingo board to go with the challenge, with 24 prompts and one free square.

Here are a few of the books I've matched to prompts:

Mulan - Unravel the Dusk by Elizabeth Lim
Author Duo - A Crown of Talons by Katharine Corr & Elizabeth Corr
POC Author - Cinder & the Prince of Midnight by Susan Ee
Sherlock Holmes - The Holborn Toy Shop and other Stories by Maurice Barkley
German Myth/Fairy Tale - The Sisters Grimm by Menna Van Praag
Sirens or Mermaids - The Surface Breaks by Louise O'Neill

There are 5 challenge levels and I am attempting the hardest one, Fairest of Them All: 21-25 books. So far I've read 4 books for the challenge, 3 of which actually fit the bingo prompts. 

If you want to get involved just click here to go to the Challenge page and sign up. I'd love to know what you'll be reading. Do you have any favourite retellings? Are you attempting any reading challenges? Let me know in the comments.


  1. I like the idea of reading challenges, and particularly like the theme as I adore retelling. But I can never stick to a TBR so hardly ever manage to actually finish the challenge...

    1. I find it so hard to stick to lists too! I always make them and then change my mind after every book ;)
