8 January 2022

 Looking Forward to This Year

I'll start by saying I am extremely proud of myself for starting the year with two posts in one week! I have realised that I've been very patchy with my blogging and really want to do better in 2022. I think part of the reason is that I keep taking on books which I'm not all that enthusiastic about. I need to step back a little and only agree to the books that I'm really excited to read, and not get taken in by the hype! For this reason I'm probably not going to do BBNYA this year. Don't get me wrong, I have found many new favourites that I would never have looked at if they weren't put right in front of me, but I have also had to struggle through some which I really did not enjoy. Then I feel bad about it and don't want to write a bad review.

I have so many books on my TBR shelf (above is just one of my double stacked shelves of unread books!) that I really want to read and they get left on the shelf month after month as I put other, more urgent books first. Time is too short to waste on things I'm not enjoying and I already know that I'll never get through all the books I want to read. Unless someone finally comes up with an immortality potion! So I need to make sure I'm using my time wisely and that also means being more determined to DNF (Did Not Finish) when necessary!

Anyway, without further ado, I'll start with the stack of books I received for Christmas. Though I may have bought one or two of them for myself... aaaaand I may have already read some of these before the end of 2021 😄

I don't do New Year's resolutions any more but there are some habits I do want to get into in 2022.

Write my reviews straight after reading the book...

before I've forgotten what happened and who was in it and even whether I liked it or not!

Post on my blog more regularly...

I'd like to do once a week but I think that's probably too much for me so at least 2 or 3 times a month would be a good aim for me.

Finish what I start...

in life generally but particularly all the blog posts I have started and never got round to finishing. Same with my book reviews! This does not apply to books I'm hating though, I give myself full permission to NOT finish those.

Do you have any resolutions or habits you want to start this year? Let me know in the comments.

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